Project Updates

These are the updates for this project work, to build a simple RSS Aggregator. I will work to add any updates as I make them to this blog, using Jekyll as a project log.

Forked (03 Apr 2016)

I've forked this project from the Indie Ed-Tech RSS Aggregator, but I had to make several tweaks in order to get it to work.

My goal: create an aggregation of all the feeds across all my various websites/projects. These all run on GitHub pages.

1. I updated the file in the _data folder: feeds-urls.json with the feeds I wanted.

2. I updated the index file in the pull-feeds folder. Here I changed the variable $org from "indieedtech" to my GitHub user name. I also updated the URLs to reflect this repo rather than the original one at

3. I updated the URLs in the first blog post in the repo so that these pointed to this repo too. I hit the "pull feeds" link in order to trigger the process.

4. Troubleshooting: I had some problems getting all the feeds to come through. Turns out that Privacy Badger had blocklisted these (probably because of cross-site scripting dangers).

A Simple RSS Aggregator (25 Mar 2016)

I am working to design, develop, and support more simple tooling that does one thing, and does it well, to show people basic examples of online tools they can put to use in their worlds.

Out of the work we did at the Indie Ed-Tech gathering at Davidson College in North Carolina, I wanted to provide a simple RSS aggregation tool, but rather than running in WordPress, I wanted to run it on Github.

This project is meant to aggregate multiple RSS feeds, into a single location, stored on Github. This project runs as a Github repository, using Github Pages, and then using the Github API, allows for writing to the repo -- effectively using it as a data storage.

There are two JSON stores available as part of this project:

There are three main files which make up this project:

The pull feed function requires a Github token to run. You can get a personal token via your Github account, but have to be one of the users added to the Github project before it will work. You can fork and try in your own infrastructure, or request as part of this project.

If you want to get involved, or ask any questions you can submit a Github Issue, or fork the Github repository and submit a pull request. This project is meant to be a collaborative learning experience, as well as be used for aggregation of RSS.